News & Announcements
In the CBSE Qatar Cluster Chess Tournament held at Bhavan’s
Public school on 11th & 16th May 2017. DMIS Under- 11 and Under-
19 girls’ team secured first position (gold medal) and Under-14
girls’ and Under- 14 boys’ team secured second (silver medal)
and third position (bronze medal) respectively. DMIS secured
overall championship in girls’ category. DMIS Under- 11 and
Under- 19 girls’ team has been qualified to represent CBSE
National Chess Championship to be held in India later this year.
The date and the venue will be announced later by CBSE.
The Under- 11 girls’ team members were Amulya
Guruprasad (4A), Shivapriya Gireesh (5A), Soha Hussain Shaik
(5D), Dharaa Suresha(4A). The Under- 19 girls’ team members were
Alna A Soni(11A), Agna A Soni(11A), Sathya Radhakrishnan(9B),
Aishani Sivakumar Kartha(7B). The Under- 14 girls’ team members
were Leen Sameer(6C), Saachi Dhadwal(6A), Devika Kundathil Anoop(6A),
Ashral Rithika Castelino(6E). The Under- 14 boys’ team members
were Muhammad Adil Sameer(7C), Adam Yahiya Nissar(8D), Shabeel
Naseem Mepatt(8D), Deep Amrish Oak(8D).